STARCAR car rental Lübeck




Bei der Lohmühle 21 A
23554 Lübeck
Phone: 0451 / 40 62 42

Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 07:30 - 18:30
Sat: 09:00 - 12:00
Sun: 09:00 - 10:00

Display map?

We use Google Maps to embed map material and enable a radius search. In the process, your personal data can be captured and collected. By using the radius search, you agree that this data is loaded from the Google server.

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Rent a car with STARCAR in Lübeck

You can always book your rental car in Lübeck conveniently and easily online: Simply select a suitable rate, specify the rental period and enter your personal details.



Please note that the following documents are required when picking up your rental car in Lübeck:

  • Driver's license
  • German identity card or passport with registration certificate
  • Credit or EC card depending on the vehicle group reserved. Please note: We do not accept prepaid credit cards or debit cards
  • Driver and company card (if you are renting a 7.49to/12to or 5.25to with trailer coupling commercially)

You can change or cancel your car rental reservation by phone or in person at the STARCAR car rental office in Lübeck.


First-class rental service with STARCAR

The car rental company STARCAR attaches great importance to smooth processes, direct customer contact and an efficient rental service. Don't have time to pick up your rental car? We can deliver it to you on time if you wish! Would you like to find out more? Our STARCAR team in Lübeck will be happy to answer any questions you may have about renting a car by phone, e-mail or in person!

© 2024 STARCAR Car rental