Transporter rental in Braunschweig

Do you have a move coming up or do you need to transport large, bulky items and need a transporter, van, Sprinter or truck? Your STARCAR car rental company has the right rental vehicle for every need: Benefit from our low prices and our award-winning service and rent your desired transporter in Braunschweig from us!




Hamburger Straße 268
38114 Braunschweig
Phone: 0531/2885374-0
Fax: 0531/2885374-9

Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 07:30 - 18:30
Sat: 09:00 - 12:00
Sun: 09:00 - 10:00

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We use Google Maps to embed map material and enable a radius search. In the process, your personal data can be captured and collected. By using the radius search, you agree that this data is loaded from the Google server.

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Affordable transporters with STARCAR

Especially for smaller moves, the rental car is often only needed for a short time. For this reason, our rental conditions also allow you to rent your removal van by the hour with a minimum rental period of three hours. Rent the following vans in Braunschweig, for example, at top conditions:


Students who rent a van in Braunschweig can take advantage of special discounts: 5 percent discount at weekends, 10 percent discount on daily, one-way, flat-rate, hourly and special rates and even 20 percent discount on night-time rates. A student ID card and at least one year's driving experience are required.


It's easy: rent a transporter in Braunschweig

Rent your transporter in Braunschweig by phone, in person at our rental station - or online. It takes less than five minutes to make a perfect reservation using our booking tool:


  • Select vehicle group and rental station
  • Book optional CDW/limited liability (recommended!)
  • Enter the rental period and expected kilometers required
  • Reserve extras and moving add-ons
  • Enter your personal details

You will then receive our offer and pick up your dream car on the desired date. Please present your driver's license, German ID (or passport including confirmation of registration) and credit, debit or EC card when you pick up the removal van. Important: We do not accept prepaid credit cards.


Moving supplies for rent

Anyone planning a move usually has their hands full. All the better if you don't have to worry about little things like the right supplies for convenient loading and safe transportation of furniture and other items.

At STARCAR, you can book many add-ons such as blankets, tension belts and boxes at a reasonable price when you rent a transporter in Braunschweig.

© 2024 STARCAR Car rental